Social Media in the Healthcare Workplace
Health Law Talk Presented by Chehardy Sherman Williams

+ Full Transcript
Intro (00:01):
Welcome to Health Law Talk, presented by Chehardy Sherman Williams health Law. Broken down through expert discussion, real client issues and real life experiences, breaking barriers to understanding complex healthcare issues is our job.
Conrad Meyer (00:21):
And good morning. Good afternoon. Whenever you’re listening to this podcast, welcome to another episode of Health Law Talk here at Chehardy Sherman Williams. Conrad Meyer. Rory Bellina at the Pinnacle of Healthcare Law Regulation discussion. Right, Rory?
Rory Bellina (00:34):
That’s right. It’s a good way to describe it.
Conrad Meyer (00:35):
That’s right. We are. Morning everyone…
Conrad Meyer (00:37):
Yeah. Or Yes, we we’re. Today it’s nine o’clock and a Thursday morning here in the Greater New Orleans area. Actually, it’s a pretty day.
Rory Bellina (00:44):
Nice day, nice weekend. Zurich is in town.
Conrad Meyer (00:47):
Ah, and you know what? Jazz Fest
Rory Bellina (00:50):
Coming up? Coming up, coming up. Jazz Fest coming up. French Quarter Fest just ended Zurich’s going on right now. We
Conrad Meyer (00:56):
Got a lot going on here.
Rory Bellina (00:57):
It’s a fun time to be here. It
Conrad Meyer (00:58):
Is, it is. And today, actually, we have a very entry topic that sort of, you know, parlays into fun. Yeah,
Rory Bellina (01:04):
Absolutely. It’s too much fun, too. Not enough
Conrad Meyer (01:06):
Fun. Not, not enough fun or too much depending on what you’re looking at. Uh, social media and healthcare, the risks, benefits, um, sort of the bear traps that you as a provider or a system or a facility might, you know, want to consider when you’re looking at social media and, and your policy, your procedures, and for your employees. And even if you’re a solo doc or a group practice, and you’re not totally familiar with this, this is something you look at.
Rory Bellina (01:37):
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this whole area has really exploded and I think it continues to grow and grow and grow. And there’s, you know, it’s almost a necessity that your practice is on social media at this point. You gotta, because if you’re not, all of your competitors are depending on, you know, what, what industry you’re in. But even with the big, even the big health systems, they’re all over social media. Um, so it’s become a necessary evil that I think every health system, all the way down to Zillow practitioners have to address. Um, but there’s a lot of factors, you know, from the practice, from your employees, you know, what you can and can’t do. And there’s so many different things that are coming out on social media that actually help you grow your practice. So, you know, finding ways to properly integrate those and, and, you know, get the followers, get the likes, and then, uh, get people to, to come see you.
Conrad Meyer (02:22):
Yeah. I think, uh, and, and if you’re not, I agree with you a hundred percent. If you’re not connected, if you’re not involved, you’re, you’re not, you’re losing business.
Rory Bellina (02:30):
Conrad Meyer (02:30):
And so, uh, when you look at the breakdown even of who uses social media today, I mean, it’s, it almost everybody, you know, from whatever age range, income range, gender, race, location, geographic, almost everyone is plugged in Sure. And connected social media wise.
Rory Bellina (02:48):
And even the most basic things, you know, it’s really become kind of like the, the, the yellow book or the Yellow Pages or the, or the white pages of a lot of practices. You know, when if you get referred somewhere or I need to go find a dermatologist, where should I go? You know, you’re gonna probably ask a friend, right? And they’re gonna say, go here and you’re gonna look them up and you’re gonna see if they’ve got a Facebook page or an Instagram page, because you wanna see, you know, what it looks like. Do they have, you know, do they offer the injections? Do they want that? I want, you know, what are their hours? What does their staff look like? Does it look like, uh, like not a, a dingy practice in a strip mall that, you know, you’re not gonna wanna go to?
Does it look like a place that you’d want to go to? And so you’re gonna check those social media pages to see how that practice looks. And social media is just so much more to man, easier to manage and update for practices compared to, oh, we want to post a new picture of how we renovated the waiting room. We have to get it to our IT guy who’s gotta put on our website and it’s gotta, you know, get updated on their website. Now it’s just post a picture on your, on your practices Instagram. Well, that everyone’s gonna see it immediately.
Conrad Meyer (03:53):
True. Very true. But I mean, that ease of use that you’re referring to, that ease also comes with risks. Absolutely. And so, and that’s, and that’s kind of what I wanna talk about today Yeah. Is the risks.
Rory Bellina (04:02):
And I see it in two parts. I see it as, yeah, you know, what you need to do as a, as a practice or your practice manager, right. On the social media. And then what you need to do for your employees. There’s kind of two on managing your employees and their use of social
Conrad Meyer (04:15):
Media. And, and that would also include the individual physicians. So, and in other words, I mean, if I’m a system right, or a facility that employs the physicians, then I, I, my marketing team needs to be keenly aware that I want to profile these doctors so that patients who are visiting the site like you to your point, you know, know what they’re, know who they’re seeing, know a little bit about them, uh, and, and, and stay connected. So it, it starts at the facility level, a system level, even down to the group practice and even the solos. Sure, sure. You know, so, um, and with that being said, so let’s talk about risks. Sure. Okay. What, in, in your mind, I mean, we could do rapid fire Sure. What’s top, what’s one of the top, some of the top risk? You said
Rory Bellina (04:55):
I, I think there’s two main branches of risks. I see that the, the one risk is from, you know, are you posting something that’s got phi or are you posting a patient that didn’t give consent to be on the post? So
Conrad Meyer (05:11):
Rory Bellina (05:11):
Risk. Yeah, exactly. Okay. You know, office of Civil Rights, are you gonna get fined? Are you gonna get a complaint? I think that’s kind of risk one. And then risk two is just in the appropriateness of, of what you post. Are you posting medical advice that someone is going to read mm-hmm. and they’re gonna rely on that? And could it harm them? Are you posting, uh, information that’s not backed? Are you posting something that you know, your insurance comp, you, your malpractice might not cover based on the, the post that you made? Right. Is it appropriate? Is the board gonna have an issue with what you post? Is, did you, you know, did you do a procedure incorrectly? And it now it’s on your page’s Instagram and if there’s a malpractice action, you know, is your, is is the, is the person that’s suing you gonna go dig through your Instagram and say, well, they did these injections like this on all these patients and look, it’s on here. It’s very clearly. So, you know, I think those are, you know, the risks that come to head to mind for me.
Conrad Meyer (06:06):
So, so you, HIPAA and then appropriateness of the post, I have a third. Okay. Okay. The rogue provider, nurse, staff, whoever who posts things about themselves or their work on their personal
Rory Bellina (06:21):
Pages. Yeah. And that’s almost, I almost, and they
Conrad Meyer (06:23):
Don’t even know.
Rory Bellina (06:24):
That’s almost, I, I a hundred percent agree with that, but I see that as like a whole other little
Conrad Meyer (06:29):
Category. Well, that’s, that’s why I said three. Yeah. In my mind, cuz that’s, that’s something that you, that’s different, right?
Rory Bellina (06:34):
Absolutely. It is. Because Right. If you’re saying, you know, here’s Dr. Rory performing, you know, liposuction or whatever it may be, and my name is tagged and someone taps, you know, my name, and then it goes to my personal page. Right. You know, and then they’re gonna see all the stuff that I do of my personal life. Is that appropriate? Is that appropriate for the practice or, or the system that I’m working for, are they gonna want pictures of me, you know, drinking or doing whatever on my personal page now, but everyone knows I’m now an employee of this health system. Are they going to be okay with, you know, if I’ve got political things on there or religious things on there, are they okay with that because I’m an extension of that system or an extension of that practice. Correct. So, you know, that, that’s really important. It’s like you almost have to, you know, scrub your page or not have it linked or have it where only people you approve can see those kind of things. It, it, it becomes a, a whole other issue.
Conrad Meyer (07:28):
And I tell that, you know what, I give that same speech to residents. I give it to lo young, you know, law students, uh, m hha like, like grad students. Right. I tell ’em that you’re the life that you lived in high school. Right. Or college even the, the way you grew up. Like, that’s over. Sure. If you want to be a professional, you must act like a professional. Otherwise you’re, you’re, you’re, you’re gonna get crucified. I mean, you’re, you’re not gonna make it. And that means, and that means your behavior not only in the classroom or in the workspace, but outside the workspace. Right. Right. And so, you know, realize, just to your point, everyone’s watching mm-hmm. . And if you cross a line and, and we can get to some examples. One recent example that I think you and I both know about Sure. Uh, that we could talk about here. If, if, again, you know, I think that they, everyone has to be cognizant of that.
Rory Bellina (08:19):
And, and I think it, it goes back to, you know, this is something that my high school always, IM impressed upon us as, you know, no matter what you do, whether you’re like on campus or off campus, right. You’re still a student of this school or you’re still an employee of this system. So even if it’s something that you did on a Friday night at the mall and you weren’t wearing any type of, you know, high school uniform or whatever it may be, like, it’s still a reflection on us. And we’re still gonna hold you responsible for that Now, you know, uh, people that don’t believe in that are gonna say, well no, that’s not fair. Like, if I’m not on the clock or if I’m not at the hospital, if I’m not at the clinic and I do that on my own time, they should have no say over that. They’re not paying me for my, my free time. What are your thoughts on that?
Conrad Meyer (09:05):
I think that that doesn’t matter. And that argument wouldn’t hold water because any,
Rory Bellina (09:09):
I don’t think it holds water anymore.
Conrad Meyer (09:11):
Any, anymore.
Rory Bellina (09:11):
Sure. I think it did probably when social media started
Conrad Meyer (09:15):
But not now though, because it’s 24 7. Sure. And so you can’t argue that, hey, when I’m off the clock, hey, that’s my time. No, because really your personal time is also, you’re an extension of that company, an extension of that group. You’re a reflection. Like for us, we’re a reflection of the firm we’re in. Sure. And so you can’t just go willy-nilly and you know, ha you know, do post something. Say something, do something for the world to see. Now let me just say this. If you had your Facebook group or your, you know, I don’t really do Instagram. Um, you know, I’m sure people will tell me I’m antiquated, but I mean, I have one, but I, I’ll look at it. I don’t post anything. But if you have it set to private, it’s only your friends. I mean that’s, that’s kind of one thing. But even then, if you have a lot of friends who disagree with maybe something you might post, right. Where it’s a political view, a position, whatever, you are putting yourself at risk even within your own collective private group.
Rory Bellina (10:07):
Yeah. Yeah. I think, yeah, absolutely. No, you’re putting yourself at risk and, and depending on what you post, you know, a lot of employers will, they don’t want you to post political, religious, controversial things.
Conrad Meyer (10:16):
That’s true. My, my dad told me it’s always good just to talk about
Rory Bellina (10:21):
Sports. Yeah,
Conrad Meyer (10:23):
Yeah. Like the saints here in New Orleans, right. Or LSU football, Tulane foot, any kind of sports because no, you can disagree about sports and nobody would really care. You know? Oh, I you like LSU. I don’t like LSU. Sure. You like the saints? I don’t like the saints. You know. Sure. You can, you can’t go wrong with that. You know.
Rory Bellina (10:38):
Um, I think practices have, have done a really good job. At least, you know, the practices that come to mind with, you know, they, most practices that I know have good policies and procedures in place and one who can actually post on the account, you know, for the practice. Right. Managing that, not given the password or the keys to everyone to actually make the post. And then if a post is gonna be made and it’s gonna involve a patient, you know, make sure you’ve got the patient’s written consent. If you’re showing a, a video of an injection that the patient’s okay with that, you know? Right. That you’re not showing any revealing body parts cuz you don’t want to get into the pornography
Conrad Meyer (11:13):
Aspect. No, no. Look, lemme tell you, most facilities on a groups and do really good jobs, they do a good job. They have the policies and procedures. What I find more now is the, the rogue people mm-hmm. who now, like for TikTok for example, TikTok, it’s so easy. Sure. Everyone loves TikTok, you know, and so you got employees, right. Our individuals who are posting things on TikTok Sure. That really aren’t kosher and, and the group can’t control. Sure. Or the facility can’t the system, they can’t control that.
Rory Bellina (11:42):
Or occasionally it’s an inadvertent, it’s an inadvertent exposure.
Conrad Meyer (11:45):
Well, because they don’t understand. Like, they just say, oh, I think it’s cool, it’s funny and ha ha ha.
Rory Bellina (11:50):
I’ve had one instance where a, um, a posted a picture and they were going around like interviewing different people and saying, you know, why they liked x, y, Z practice. And as they were going around doing the interviews,
Conrad Meyer (12:01):
All the patients were around
Rory Bellina (12:02):
The patient. It wasn’t the patients that were around. What’s that? It was that, um, it was a very like, close up shot and you could see this employee’s computer screen and then she was, she was working in a medical record. And so Oh yeah. So it’s something that you, you’re not even generate, you’re not even thinking of. But if someone really wanted to, they could freeze that frame, zoom in and say, oh look, she’s working on Roy Belina’s. Right. Those are the little inadvertent things that unfortunately we have to deal with. And is that a, is that a breach? Arguably, yes.
Conrad Meyer (12:29):
You’re, you’re being nice. I’m thinking the more egregious stuff. Sure. I mean, I had a case involving it, it made the news actually, um, where I had to represent some nurses. This was a long time ago mm-hmm. , but, uh, someone came in to an ed mm-hmm. , and they were, I think either was it intoxicated or they had some kind of a drug problem. Anyway, they, they charcoal an individual mm-hmm. . And um, and then they decided to paint the face, the charcoal with mustache on the patient’s while, while the patient was out. And they posted the pictures on social media and I, and, and, and it was terrible. Yeah. I mean, I mean, you know, it made the news, there’s a lawsuit about it, you know, blah, blah, blah. And I’m thinking that’s the egregious stuff I’m talking about it. Yeah. And then, and most recently, most recently, I’m not gonna go into the name Right. But I will tell you, we, and you and I both saw it, the TikTok video of employed staff at a facility, a large facility, sorry, a large system Right. In the background of this, you know, terrible choice of music. Sure. Uh, wearing their uniforms, doing things on a TikTok at the actual facility location. And they thought it was, and obviously it was clearly choreographed, clearly thought out, clearly. I mean, they just didn’t do this on a whim. Like, you kind of scratch your head Rory, and you think, what are you thinking?
Rory Bellina (13:52):
Sure. And there’s so many, you know, if that landed across my desk, you
Conrad Meyer (13:56):
Know what I’m
Rory Bellina (13:57):
Talking about. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And when I, when I saw the video and, and was thinking about it, you know, how would I re react to this? Kinda
Conrad Meyer (14:04):
Like, like disbelief.
Rory Bellina (14:05):
Yeah. There, there’s so many aspects of that. It, it, it’s one, you know, you shouldn’t be recording unless you’ve got it approved by your system or your, or your practice. Like you shouldn’t be recording anything on social media at the workplace because if you’re not careful enough, you’re gonna have an, you’re gonna have patient files in the background or you’re gonna have something in the background that you just don’t think about. Right? Yeah. So unless you get it approved, don’t make a post or don’t do anything that’s gonna be on social media. Because once it’s on there, even if you delete it instantly, you know, it’s, someone’s got, someone did a screen record of it, it’s out there and it it, you’re not gonna be able to get rid
Conrad Meyer (14:42):
Of it. Well, it was taken down and, and you and I both done, but
Rory Bellina (14:45):
There’s still a screen record of it so all over
Conrad Meyer (14:46):
The place. Correct.
Rory Bellina (14:47):
So you’re never gonna be able to get rid of it. Right. So it’s really important to impress upon if we’re shift announced. Like what’s, what should policies and procedures be in place for employers is,
Conrad Meyer (14:57):
And I, I have some draft ideas for that. We can share that here. Yeah, absolutely. And I, I agree with that. Right. I didn’t mean cut. I No, no, you’re fine. I totally just cut you off. No, it’s fine. So what about the, remember the med student or was it resident? I mean, national news, the, that she was in an Uber, it was a woman and she was in an Uber driver and she obviously had a little too much to drink. Sure. And she started just laying into the Uber driver. It made national,
Rory Bellina (15:23):
I think I do remember that news. Yeah, I do remember
Conrad Meyer (15:25):
That. And somebody recorded the, or was it the Uber driver mm-hmm. or someone recorded her tirade and posted on social media and I think she lost her residency for that. Yeah. I think, I think she was removed. Yeah. Yeah. You know, so I mean, and that’s why I tell people that there’s serious ramifications for those rogues who think that you can just go on social media and do anything. Yeah.
Rory Bellina (15:47):
Yeah. It, it, it, it’s a really slippery, dangerous slope.
Conrad Meyer (15:51):
What about fraud? What about any kickback or like, you know, if you’re doing, for example, let me just throw this at you. You’re doing a social media post on a device. Okay. Oh, we just got this latest device. Okay. For our practice, it’s gonna help, you know, improve whatever the device is meant to improve. Right. All right. Is that problematic? What if you don’t have the, I mean, with with without the permission of the device manufacturer, are you now somehow com you know? Yeah. I
Rory Bellina (16:21):
Conrad Meyer (16:21):
Exposing yourself when you do stuff like
Rory Bellina (16:23):
That, I think the kind of the, the issue with, with those little snippets or those little posts is that people love and want to see that. But it is that taking in the context of are you giving medical advice? Are you’re not able to give the full background if you were doing a, a white paper or like a full, you know, FDA disclosure on the effectiveness of the drug or the device. So yeah, you’re saying, you know, you know, this laser is gonna decrease varicose veins by 50%. Well, okay. But I’m sure that the company that made that laser has a 50 page paper with all their studies that talks about, you know, in certain studies it did reduce that, but here’s all the other caveats to it. Sure. But you’re not gonna be able to mention that in a ten second Instagram video. But now that video is out there and if you get a patient where it doesn’t decrease their varicose VIV 50% and they’re gonna, are they gonna see you from malpractice? And is that gonna be exhibit A saying? You said it would reduce by 50% in this video. You lied to me, or you gave, you gave improper medical advice. You know, that’s the part that you just gotta really be careful with what you say because it’s gonna live out there forever. And I think that’s what I try to impress upon people is, you know, just be very careful with the advice you give or how you promote something online.
Conrad Meyer (17:41):
What about the prac or the asc, for example, right. Or a facility for example, that touts the latest robot. You know, cuz people like technology. Sure. People, when you, when you walk into a doctor’s clinic or you go to a, a ASC amatory surgery center or a facility, you want to know that whatever procedure you’re getting done that they, you, you, you’re getting it worked on. You’re being worked on by the latest and greatest most technology. And so what about the, the ASE that says, oh, we’ve got robotic surgery. Right. And, and they advertise that, you know, on social media on any place. You know, do you see risks associated when you take that route? Or is that more of a safe play? What personally, what do you, what do you think?
Rory Bellina (18:24):
Yeah, a lot of those advertisements that, that I see like that, it kind of reminds me of the, like the pharmaceutical and the drug commercials, you know, so if you see a drug commercial for, you know, um, Ozempic is the one that comes to mind. It’s a, you know, type two diabetes drug. But it’s obviously being used off-label right now before it reaches FDA approval for weight loss. So the commercials say in the snippets and it’s, you know, it’s got a husband and a wife riding a Ferris wheel or grandfather fishing with his kids, got like, you know, these scenes of happy people taking these drugs and it says, here’s what it does. But then you’ve got that little fine print that says, but
Conrad Meyer (19:03):
You can’t
Rory Bellina (19:03):
Read that you can’t read
Conrad Meyer (19:04):
And says, oh the god that talks so fast,
Rory Bellina (19:06):
Right. Side effects may include nausea, depression, and anxiety death, then please go to our website for more information. So they’re, they’re, those are all the caveats, right. And they’re putting that there to cover themselves cuz they’re required to by law and because they’ve been sued before, but those aren’t in the social media posts. So, you know, you’re losing that little barrier of protection by, by not having that in there. So that I think it’s fine to, you know, you, you obviously want to get out there and promote your devices as much as possible, but you’ve gotta have some sort of disclaimer or something to say like, you know, this is not, this is not the same thing as medical advice and you really need to talk to someone. Don’t rely on
Conrad Meyer (19:46):
This. So I’m not gonna go over the minutia details of a social media policy, but I’ll, I’ll hit some of the highlights. Sure. I think, uh, when you, when you drafting these policies, even though you can’t control the rogue individual who does their own TikTok and their own Facebook, some of the top line items I think in policies, um, first off decide are you, are you, are you going to encourage the staff or discourage the staff from engaging in that facility’s social media Right. Accounts. Okay. Who are you gonna say, Hey everybody come in and y’all post your own thing? Or are you gonna say, we don’t want you touching it, we have our marketing team, we’re gonna do it, don’t touch it.
Rory Bellina (20:26):
This is gonna be one person. Are you, do we want interactions? Do we want commentary with people that comment on the post? That’s a great, that’s a great point.
Conrad Meyer (20:33):
Time and place. Okay. In other words, so now if, if you are encouraging, are you doing it work hours, not work hours? You know, when people leave they wanna check out. So, so, you know, is there some time and place that you’re encouraging this if you are to doing that? Um, and to your point, third thing, authorized versus unauthorized, who can do it? Who can, right? Right. Um, disclaimers very important. You mentioned that. Yep. You know, uh, what would you put in a disclaimer, how would you, how would you treat top level? I’m not asking
Rory Bellina (21:10):
You. Yeah, I think most, I think most practices that have their social media pages, they’re gonna have in there the typical language. So this is not medical advice, please contact your healthcare professional. So anything in there that they’re advertising or marketing on their social media, it’s gonna have in there that this is not, this isn’t medical advice.
Conrad Meyer (21:28):
Well, and, and then I think you have to really kind of discuss in the policy what kind of content are we talking about here. Sure. And, and so everyone knows, especially when you, when you hire on a new employee, I think you need to have that policy where they sign off on it. Sure. And a lot of people come back, I didn’t know no one told me. Right. You, you can’t deal with that.
Rory Bellina (21:50):
And I think that, uh, for big systems, you can’t screen everyone’s social media before you hire them. But what you have to have in place is the ability of, if they become aware that there’s something on your social media that doesn’t align with that system’s views, that they have the ability to terminate you. I mean Louisiana doesn’t matter cuz you know, we are Yeah. Will right. At will employment here. But I think it’s important to have in there that, you know, if you, if you agree with this, that your social media is an extension of you, you’re an extension of this practice, and if you have something on there that doesn’t align with this practice, we’re gonna terminate you.
Conrad Meyer (22:25):
What about when providers communicate with patients via social media? That’s something that needs to be decided.
Rory Bellina (22:30):
Yeah. I mean, and that’s a whole other area that’s a whole different, right. That’s getting into, there’s AI and there’s bots for scheduling patients and doing like that initial questionnaire. Right. That’s a whole other other thing. I think that it’s, it’s great the technology that’s out there that’s doing these intakes and that’s kind of screening these patients. Sure. But is that considered, you know, is that considered at that point giving medical advice? I know one in particular had a, a consult on this and it was for, um, it was for someone that wanted to start an online um, uh, like a men’s health type clinic, but they wanted to do an online section. Oh, I,
Conrad Meyer (23:05):
You know what, I remember you and I talked about that and
Rory Bellina (23:07):
There’s, I remember that. And, and we looked at it and it looked great. And what they do is they do about 10 screening questions. You know, name, age. Sure. Hide, you know, do you have a history of Wade? All these, all the stuff, right. All these type of things. What concerns do you have? What are you looking to address? You know, basically what do you, what do you want to get out of this? Yes. Um, a lot of it was like, um, ed drugs and at the end, after all that, they’re like, okay, now we’re gonna schedule your visit with the healthcare provider through telemedicine. And I, I presume that provider’s gonna get a sheet and they go off of it. So that’s all screened. But that was all done. They were using a program to collect all that bot, like a bot to collect all of that data. Right. Which I think is, you know, okay to do as long as you’ve got the doctor at the end that’s really gonna review it and not just rubber stamp it. Right. But that is, that’s a really good way to use social media to kind of streamline your practices because it’s so easy for someone to answer some questions on their phone if they see a Facebook ad for something that’s interesting to them answer these questions and then talk with their doctor about it.
Conrad Meyer (24:12):
Well, I, I think one thing too, when you talk about bots and things, the automated process that you were just alluding to a moment ago, one thing that I think providers facilities need to be cognizant of, does that, does that information get put into a medical record per hipaa? Right? Where does that information live and where does, you know, so if, if you interact online on social media, right? Okay. Because remember you have your EMR within the clinic or within the system or within the facility or whatever, but where does that PHI potentially Right. Live on in social media and, and how does it get into a protected record set per hipaa? Or does it or does it, like you said, maybe that the information that that was collected in respect to this Men’s health thing just sat in cyberspace somewhere. Right. And it never really, really even made it to the record. Sure. Yeah. So, I mean, I just, I dunno, it just so many moving parts,
Rory Bellina (25:10):
These are all these new integrations with social media Yeah. Because this was an integration on their Instagram page where they had their ad and they, you know, tap here to get more information and it goes right into the bot.
Conrad Meyer (25:22):
True. And, and you know what I’m, I’m, and I think this is something we do another episode on Yeah. But, but how does like a program like, like the chat G P t, how would that interface with healthcare Sure. And, and or the technology behind chat G P T Right. Integrate with healthcare. I mean, so a lot of really cool, interesting things that we should talk about. I know we hit a high level Sure. Discussion.
Rory Bellina (25:47):
Um, the most important thing I think is, is having something in place before you have an issue arise. And, you know, most of these,
Conrad Meyer (25:54):
When you, when you integrate it mean with an employee new
Rory Bellina (25:57):
When you’re opening up a practice. Yeah. If you’re opening up a solo practice, if you’re opening up a small, you know, med spa, if you’re opening big systems, like you’ve gotta have procedures in place to understand. Cuz you, you have to have social media, so it’s just, you’re gonna have it, but how are you gonna control it? How are you gonna regulate it? Really be really talk with your employees and talk with them about if we’re gonna be posting pictures, you know, how do we make sure, I think
Conrad Meyer (26:21):
That has to be ongoing though, don’t you?
Rory Bellina (26:22):
Absolutely. Yeah. It’s always changing and you’re always have to be really,
Conrad Meyer (26:25):
Because they’ll, they’ll forget. They’re just Oh yeah. Because it’s outta sight outta mind.
Rory Bellina (26:30):
Yep. They’ll forget or they’ll just let something slip and oops, a patient’s gonna catch it and a patient’s gonna report you to OCR and then you’re gonna have to deal with that. So, or
Conrad Meyer (26:38):
They post something like, like what we saw recently on TikTok to the world, and now all of a sudden, hey.
Rory Bellina (26:43):
Yeah. And that system had to send out an email to all their employees reminding them Yep. What their policy
Conrad Meyer (26:48):
Was. Correct. So, all right. Well look, I think that’s gonna wrap it up for a quick little episode here on social media and healthcare. Uh, Rory, I, I, I think this is something we have got to come back to, you know, so anyway, um, enjoy the week, everyone. We will circle back on this topic soon. Enjoy it. And thank you very much for listening to another, uh, episode of Health Law Talk. Y’all have a great day. See ya.
Intro (27:13):
Thanks for listening to this episode of Health Law Talk, presented by Chehardy Sherman Williams. Please be sure to subscribe to our channel. Make sure to give us that five star rating and share with your friends. Chehardy Sherman Williams is providing this podcast as a public service. This podcast is for educational purposes only. This podcast does not constitute legal advice, nor does this podcast establish an attorney-client relationship. Reference to any specific product or entity does not count as an endorsement or recommendation by Chehardy Sherman Williams. The views expressed by guests on the show are their own, and their appearance does not imply an endorsement of them or their entity that they represent. Remember, please consult an attorney for your specific legal issues.
In this episode of Health Law Talk, we will be exploring the complex intersection of social media and healthcare and the challenges that arise for healthcare providers and systems when dealing with social media.
Join hosts Conrad Meyer and Rory Bellina as they delve into topics such as patient privacy, HIPAA compliance, and the impact of social media on the doctor-patient relationship. Our hosts will provide expert insights on best practices for healthcare providers and systems to manage social media in a way that is both beneficial and compliant with legal and ethical standards.
Listeners can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the potential risks and benefits of social media for healthcare providers and systems, as well as the legal and ethical considerations that must be taken into account when using social media to engage with patients and the public. Our guests will also discuss case studies and real-world examples to provide practical guidance for healthcare providers and systems looking to navigate the complex landscape of social media in healthcare.
Tune in to “Health Law Talk” to learn more about the challenges and opportunities presented by social media for healthcare providers and systems, and to hear from experts in the field on how to navigate this dynamic and rapidly evolving area of healthcare law and ethics.
Health Law Talk, presented by the Chehardy Sherman Williams law firm, one of the largest full service law firms in the Greater New Orleans area, is a regular podcast focusing on the expansive area of healthcare law. Attorneys Rory Bellina, Conrad Meyer and George Mueller will address various legal issues and current events surrounding healthcare topics. The attorneys are here to answer your legal questions, create a discussion on various healthcare topics, as well as bring in subject matter experts and guests to join the conversation.
We handle everything from regulatory and compliance check-ups to employment matters, Medicare and Medicaid issues to state and federal fraud and abuse regulations. Our healthcare attorneys are always staying up to date on the latest state and federal regulations to ensure that our knowledge is always accurate.
Our team has the expertise to assist you with compliance matters, HIPAA violations, payor contracts and employee negotiations, practice and entity formation, and insurance reimbursement issues, in addition to the full spectrum of other healthcare related issues.